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  • Can anyone join Surfista?
    Absolutely!!! Everyone is welcome, doesn't matter the age or gender. Beginners and seasoned surfers and anyone with a interest for getting outdoors. Surfista is open to all levels.
  • Where is Surfista located?
    Surfista is a community located all across Southern California, with a focus on Orange County, LA County, and San Diego County.
  • What is Surfista Co.?
    Surfista is the antidote - a community of like-minded adventure lovers who lean into the freedom of the board. Surfing, skating, skiing, and more. But it is more than the activity - it is the community of down people who are tired of watching it online and are ready to get in and be a part of the adventure. We aim to create a community for all board-riding enthusiasts to learn and grow. You no longer have to experience this alone when you have Surfista!
  • Who runs Surfista?
    A group of Volunteer Coordinators help run Surfista events. We have felt the positive impact of this community and are so happy to give back!
  • Where do I learn about Events and Meetups?
    Join our slack channel here to stay up to date with weekly events and meetups. Events will be posted on our events page here.
  • Do I bring my own gear to meetups?
    Yes, Surfistas bring their own gear to events. For most surf meetups, a surfboard and wetsuit is needed. If you don't have them yet and would like recommendations of where/what to get, check out our Resources page and reach out in the Slack community channels.
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